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Hostel Daze - Season 2

Prime Video : 26 juillet 2021

6 friends enter their second year of college and dig deeper into the notorious universe of an Indian hostel. Hostel Daze Season 2 incorporates the second chapter of hostel-life in the lives of Ankit, Jaat, Chirag, Jhantoo, Akanksha and Nabomita. The problems, the hurdles and the unlimited quirks have now doubled.

De : Sameer Saxena, Saurabh Khanna, Amir Musanna, Sangram Naiksatam

Avec : Adarsh Gourav, LUV, Shubham Gaur, Nikhil Vijay, Ahsaas Channa, Ranjan Raj, Ayushi Gupta, Luv Vispute