Hitoshi Ozawa : dernières sorties DVD/Blu-ray et dernières sorties Prime Video

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SENTOSHA: Battle Wheels - Season 1

Prime Video : 7 mai 2021

Renowned entertainers and car lovers grasp the wheel and compete with their battle cars in a variety of never before seen challenges! They face off in life-threatening duels designed to test their speed, courage, and above all, their grit! Put the pedal to the metal! Burn! Destroy! Crash into! This is a new show of the “Dangertainment variety (danger + entertainment)”. (C) 2017 YD Creation (C)

Avec : Masatoshi Hamada, Chihara Junia, Ryûji Harada, Hitoshi Ozawa, Seiji Chihara, Masaki Sata, Toshifumi Fujimoto, Chihara Junior