Prime Video : 23 juillet 2022
Breathe is an Indian drama that explores the lives of ordinary men faced with extraordinary circumstances. Kabir, a brilliant but non-conventional officer of the Crime Branch, puts the pieces together of seemingly unconnected deaths of organ donors that lead up to an unlikely suspect - the affable Danny. Kabir will not stop till he cracks the case and delivers justice.
De : Mayank Sharma, मयंक शर्मा, विक्रम मल्होत्रा
Avec : R Madhavan, Amit Sadh, Sapna Pabbi, Atharva Vishwakarma, Shriswara, Nina Kulkarni, Hrishikesh Joshi, आर माधवन, अमित साध, ऋषिकेश जोशी, सपना पाबी, नीना कुलकर्णी, श्रीस्वरा, अथर्वा विश्वकर्मा